About Me

Hi! I’m Anne Green, several times blogger, one-time novel writer and self-described foodie and bibliophile.
Books have been one of my primary life needs since my first birthday when my grandmother presented me with my first book – “Anne of Green Gables“, an act of prescience on her part in terms of my future name! She said it was to encourage me to be a reader. Although to be honest, I didn’t master A of GG until a year or so later, my grandmother’s gift kick started a habit that has come to consume more hours of my life than any other.
Reading inevitably led to writing which is another passion, more ravenous of mental and physical energy than a library of books could ever be.
A happy synergy transpired when I combined my love of food and eating with the literary ones and became a food writer. More about that in How a Blog Begins
A born and bred South Australian, I live in Adelaide with my husband and two dogs, a loony Irish Setter (have you ever met a sane one?) and a misanthropic Border Terrier, all of whom, despite not having the slightest interest in books or writing, are as mad about food and eating as I am.
Dogs being another long-standing infatuation, as a part-time pet sitter, dog walker and cat whisperer, I spend more time with the furred critters than with human beings. This does nothing for my social skills or my personal allure. Eau de Dog isn’t a fragrance with universal appeal. Neither are garments covered in hairs which despite trying every lint remover on the planet cling on ineradicably. My love of dogs however may make me a better writer according to some.
While not devoting my time to food, cooking, reading or four-legged furry critters, I also write book reviews for an Australian publication called Good Reading Magazine: the Home for Book Lovers, where every month there is a feast of information about new releases. I also write the occasional food related article in Taste & Travel International magazine.
To eat one’s words, in its literal context, means to admit you were wrong about something or to regret a foolish statement. I’ve been demonstrably wrong about more things than I’ve been right about and my bent for making foolish statements is unlikely to exhaust itself in the near future.
However, the purpose of Eating My Words isn’t to dwell on regrets or mistakes. Its aim is to highlight the upbeat, the entertaining, the amusing, the fascinating and the pleasurable.