- Featured, Food for the Mind
- Book Reviews, Featured
- Book Reviews, Featured
- Food for the Body
The Comfort of Casseroles
Casseroles may be homely unpretentious dishes, but in winter they're ideal - comforting, hearty, satisfying and easy to prepare.
- Book Reviews, Food for the Mind
Alex Miller on Life and Love and Fiction
Alex Miller in conversation about his most recent novel "A Brief Affair", in which he reveals how life and love and fiction are inextricably intertwined.
- Featured, Food for the Body
The Big Cheese of Cheesecakes
Cheesecake is good but New York Cheesecake is epic, both in size and taste - truly the big cheese of cheesecakes. Make it!
- Book Reviews, Food for the Mind
Solitude is Good for You
Solitude doesn't mean loneliness. Time spent alone can enrich our creativity and wellbeing in surprising ways.
- Featured, Food for the Mind
The Writing Life
The writing life is different for every writer but we share the same daily challenge to get words on the page
- Food for the Body
Claudia Roden and that Orange Cake
Claudia Roden is famous for far more than her orange cake.
- Book Reviews, Featured
I Love You Alice B. Toklas
"I Love You Alice B. Toklas" the movie takes on a significance for me that goes beyond the make-believe.
- Featured, Food for the Body
Australia’s Favourite Recipes
Australia's favourite recipes vary according to your age, background and sentimental memories.
- Book Reviews, Featured
Captivated by Cornwall
Cornwall has always captivated me, its legends, its landscapes and most of all its writers.
- Food for the Body, New Publications
Best Cookbooks 2023
A survey of the most recommended cookbooks to cook by in 2023
welcome to eating my words!
Hi and thank you for visiting! Please have a look around. If you love food, eating, books and reading you’ll find something to your taste.
Anne Green
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My Goodreads Challenge:
- Book Reviews
Mrs Beeton and the Domestic Goddess Myth
Mrs Beeton set the precedent for the domestic goddess myth that still drives women today to seek perfection in household management.
- Book Reviews, Featured
A Room of One’s Own
Virginia Woolf said women writers need a room of one's own and a private income. They also need to overcome gender bias and sterotyping.
- Food for the Body
The Comfort of Casseroles
Casseroles may be homely unpretentious dishes, but in winter they're ideal - comforting, hearty, satisfying and easy to prepare.
- Book Reviews, Food for the Mind
Alex Miller on Life and Love and Fiction
Alex Miller in conversation about his most recent novel "A Brief Affair", in which he reveals how life and love and fiction are inextricably intertwined.
- Featured, Food for the Body
The Big Cheese of Cheesecakes
Cheesecake is good but New York Cheesecake is epic, both in size and taste - truly the big cheese of cheesecakes. Make it!
- Book Reviews, Food for the Mind
Solitude is Good for You
Solitude doesn't mean loneliness. Time spent alone can enrich our creativity and wellbeing in surprising ways.
- Featured, Food for the Mind
The Writing Life
The writing life is different for every writer but we share the same daily challenge to get words on the page
- Food for the Body
Claudia Roden and that Orange Cake
Claudia Roden is famous for far more than her orange cake.
welcome to eating my words!
Hi and thank you for visiting! Please have a look around. If you love food, eating, books and reading you’ll find something to your taste.
Anne Green
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My Goodreads Challenge: